Call for Abstract

5th World Neuron Congress, will be organized around the theme “Theme: "Enhance the Advancement in the field of Neurology and Neuroscience"”

NEURON 2022 is comprised of 16 tracks and 3 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in NEURON 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Neurology is a medical specialty that deals with disorders and diseases of the neurological system. The central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and autonomic nervous system, as well as anatomical and functional problems of the nervous system ranging from birth defects to degenerative diseases, are all addressed in neurology.

  • Track 1-1Neurological system
  • Track 1-2Central nervous system
  • Track 1-3peripheral nervous system

Neuroendocrinology is a branch of physiology and medicine concerned with how the neurological system regulates hormonal secretion and how hormones manage the brain. Essential physiological, molecular biological and genetic concepts such as gene transcription and translation regulation, chemical neurotransmission mechanisms, and intracellular and systemic feedback control systems have all been revealed and underpinned by neuroendocrinology.


  • Track 2-1Hormonal secretion
  • Track 2-2Molecular biology
  • Track 2-3Molecular biology

Diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system are known as neurological disorders. In other words, these disorders affect the brain, spinal cord, autonomic nervous system, peripheral nerves, cranial nerves, nerve roots, neuromuscular junction, and muscles. Chronic neurological disorders (Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease (PD), and acute ischemic stroke) are likely to have a disproportionately high impact on poor people. According to data from the World Health Organization, neurological and mental disorders constitute and a significant growing source of morbidity.


  • Track 3-1Mental disorders
  • Track 3-2Neuromuscular junction
  • Track 3-3Epilepsy

Neurogenesis is the process through which new neurons are created in the brain. Neurogenesis is necessary for the development of an embryo, but it also occurs in some brain areas after birth and throughout our lives. Many specialised areas of function exist in the mature brain, as well as neurons with varying shapes and connections. Gliogenesis is the process of producing glial cells such as astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells, and microglia throughout development. The creation of glial progenitor cells and their differentiation into adult glia are both part of this process. Gliogenesis is the process by which multipotent neural stem cells produce non-neuronal glia populations. Glial cells have a number of activities in the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).


  • Track 4-1Neurons
  • Track 4-2peripheral nervous system
  • Track 4-3Microglia

Neuropsychiatry is a branch of medicine that combines psychiatry and neurology to treat mental illnesses that, in most cases, can be traced back to a brain malfunction. Psychiatrists have claimed mental diseases as their own. The following are some of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders: Addictions, Child Development, Eating Disorders, Degenerative Diseases, Mood Disorders, Neurotic Disorders, Psychosis, and Sleep Disorders are some of the topics covered.


  • Track 5-1Neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Track 5-2Psychosis
  • Track 5-3Degenerative diseases

Neuroinformatics is the most recent addition to the world of Neurology. This field is essentially a hybrid of informatics and brain research.  The informatics part deals with the enormous amount of data handling and processing while the brain research ends up in providing millions of data out of its experiments. Neuroscience is rich in diversity, comprising of numerous and different sub-disciplines of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience.  The main aim of Neuroinformatics is to develop tools to manage, share, model and analyse data obtained from Neurological studies.


  • Track 6-1Neuropsychology
  • Track 6-2Neuroscience
  • Track 6-3Cognitive neuroscience

The study of brain characteristics in terms of the data processing properties of the systems that make up the nervous system is known as computational neuroscience. It's an interdisciplinary technology that combines neuroscience, cognitive science, and psychology with electrical engineering, computer science, arithmetic, and physics. In contrast to psychological connectionism and machine learning, computational neuroscience focuses on descriptions of functioning and biologically sensible neurons (and brain structures), as well as their physiology and dynamics.


  • Track 7-1Neuroscience
  • Track 7-2Cognitive science
  • Track 7-3Brain structures

The study of nervous system function is broadly characterised as neurophysiology. Scientists study the central and peripheral neural systems at the level of complete organs, cellular networks, single cells, and even subcellular compartments in this field. The interest in the mechanisms that result in the creation and propagation of electrical impulses inside and among neurons is a unifying element of this broad field. This subject is important not just for our understanding of the fascinating processes that use human cognition, but also for our ability to detect and treat problems involving the neurological system.

  • Track 8-1Peripheral neural systems
  • Track 8-2Neurological system
  • Track 8-3Neurons

Tumors of the essential cerebrum can be either detrimental (containing growth cells) or positive (not including illness cells). A cerebrum-based essential mental tumour is a tumour that begins in the cerebrum. When a destructive tumour develops elsewhere in the body and sends cells to the cerebrum, these tumours are referred to as optional or metastatic brain tumours. This presentation will focus on critical cerebrum tumours. Tumors of the brain can strike at any age. The exact cause of cerebrum tumours is unknown. Cerebral tumours manifest in different ways depending on their size, type, and location. Cerebral aches, death or shivering in the arms or legs, convulsions, and memory loss are among the most well-known adverse effects of brain tumours.


  • Track 9-1Memory loss
  • Track 9-2Seizures
  • Track 9-3Brain tumours

Neurochemistry deals with the outstanding chemistry that happens within the brain, nervous system and the nerve cell with which it communicates. The phenomenon of chemistry that generates electric signals which propagate along nerve cells and the chemistry at the synapse through neurotransmitters are the prime locations. Strong research work on brain and its effect on behaviour and cognitive capabilities will portray the neurochemical behaviour and illness due to chemical imbalance in order to explore the possibilities of advances inside the discipline of neurosciences and disorders.


  • Track 10-1Neurochemistry
  • Track 10-2Synapse
  • Track 10-3Neurotransmitters

The study of central and peripheral nerve tissue in adults and children is known as neuropathology. Other members of the multidisciplinary team will be guided by their opinions, which will include the interpretation of particular stains and molecular tests. The majority of their work is done on living people, but neuropathologists are also in charge of post-mortem brain study, which is used to classify dementias, explore genetic diseases, and assess trauma. They examine muscle, as well as peripheral nerve samples and occasionally ocular specimens, to determine inherited and acquired muscle illnesses.


  • Track 11-1Neuropathology
  • Track 11-2Post-mortem brain study
  • Track 11-3Trauma

Paediatric neurology (also known as child neurology) is a subspecialty of neurology that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of neurological disorders in children and adolescents from birth to adolescence. Diseases and disorders of the spinal cord, brain, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, muscles, and blood vessels are given specific attention by paediatric neurologists.


  • Track 12-1Neurological disorders
  • Track 12-2Peripheral nervous system
  • Track 12-3Autonomic nervous system

Neuro Ophthalmology is a subspecialty of ophthalmology that focuses on neurological problems of the eye. The human eye, as we all know, catches the sights it perceives and sends them to the brain to be processed as images. The optic nerve is responsible for transmitting visual stimuli, and its failure could result in visual impairment or possibly irreversible damage.


  • Track 13-1Brain
  • Track 13-2Optic nerve
  • Track 13-3Visual impairment

Neurotrauma is a vital public health problem that deserves the attention of the world's health network. Estimates of brain and spinal cord damage incidence imply that those injuries purpose extensive losses to individuals, families, and groups. They bring about a huge number of deaths and impairments leading to everlasting disabilities. Research has also proven that traumatic brain injury (TBI) generally requires long-term care and consequently incurs financial value to health systems. Because of this, many countries need to expand surveillance structures and conduct epidemiologic research to measure the effect of neurotrauma among their people to guide the development of more powerful preventive techniques. Some of methods have already proven effective.


  • Track 14-1Traumatic brain injury
  • Track 14-2Neurotrauma
  • Track 14-3Spinal cord
  • Track 14-4Nervous system
  • Track 14-5Molecular biology

Molecular neuroscience is a discipline of neuroscience that studies molecular biology ideas applied to animal nervous systems. The scope of this subject includes molecular neuroanatomy, molecular signalling processes in the nervous system, genetics and epigenetics' impact on neuronal development, and the molecular basis for neuroplasticity and neurodegenerative disorders. Molecular neuroscience, like molecular biology, is a relatively new field that is rapidly evolving. The study of neurons at the cellular level is known as cellular neuroscience.


  • Track 15-1Neuroanatomy

Although research into treatments for CNS health conditions has progressed significantly in recent decades, certain people with CNS disorders still have limited options. Nanotechnology has surfaced as an innovative and promising new approaches for treating neurological disorders, with the potential to replace the way we approach CNS-focused therapies on a very basic basis. When all is said and done, the atoms that permeate the blood-brain barrier are lipophilic and have proportions of less than 500 Da. These new characteristics reduce the number of potential restorative devices on the way to the brain. 


  • Track 16-1Neurological disorder
  • Track 16-2Biotechnology
  • Track 16-3CNS-focused therapies