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About Conference

On behalf of the Scientific Committee, we are honoured to invite you to 6th World Neuron Congress scheduled during September 04-05, 2023 held during Paris, France is among the The World's Best Scientific Conference will bring together internationally renowned academics in the field of Neurology, Neurovascular researchers, educators, health professionals, professors, academic scientists, industry researchers, and scholars from all over the world with the goal of discovering a few solutions to Neurological Diseases.

The Conference will provide sufficient space for dialogue, gatherings, and workshops, with the purpose of facilitating close contact between speakers and guests. This Conference will feature many well-known neurologists, neuro specialists' analysts, and researchers. This two-day meeting will undoubtedly benefit and prepare the globe for development. The primary elements of this event are widely regarded speakers, the most recent research and updates in Neurology.

NEURON 2023 It includes a wide range of crucial sessions in the fields of Neurology, Neuron Oncology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain Cancer, and Imaging. The goal of this symposium is to provide the most recent information on neurology and novel therapeutic alternatives for the treatment of neurodegenerative illnesses. Furthermore, it brings together academicians and young inspired scientists from all around the world who are active in neurology and neuroscience research.

Why to Attend:

NEURON 2023 is a one-of-a-kind forum that will bring together world-renowned academics in neuroscience, neuroncology, neuropsychiatry, and neurology, as well as neurologists, brain tumours, neurosurgery, and public mental health. The 5th World Neuron Congress is a conference that brings together internationally recognised academics, Brain analysts, general health experts, researchers, academic researchers, industry specialists, researchers, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, and scholars to discuss best-in-class research and technologies. The purpose of this conference is to generate novel ideas for the treatment of neurodegenerative illnesses that will benefit all neurologists.

Target Audience:

  • Neuro surgeons
  • Psychologists
  • Neuropsychologist
  • Psychiatrists
  • Mental Health Psychiatrist
  • Psychiatric Technician
  • Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse
  • Substance Abuse Nurse
  • Scientists and professors
  • Neuroimaging Technician
  • Students
  • Diagnostic laboratory professionals
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Industry professionals
  • Directors/Managers/CEO’s
  • Presidents & Vice Presidents


Track 1: Neuron & Neurology

A neuron, often known as a nerve cell, is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. It is an electrical cell that solely transmits information via chemical and electrical impulses. Synapses are intermediary connections that aid in the transmission of information from one neuron to another. There are various types of functional cells in animal cells, such as sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.

Neurology is the most important branch of medicine that deals with disorders that affect the neurological system. It also addresses acute problems associated to the brain and other parts, from birth through neurodegeneration in old life.

Neurodegeneration is defined as damage to neurons in the human brain and spinal cord, as well as changes in the structure and function of neurons that lead to their demise. It culminates in disorders that entirely destroy the motor neurons, which are the nerve cells that form the path of electrical impulses from the brain to the spinal cord. Infections and traumatic brain damage cause major injuries to our body's central nervous system. This type of injury causes inflammation, which is known as Neuroinflammation. Chronic inflammation has been linked to neurological disorders. Scientists recently discovered that the inflammatory process is intimately associated with various neurodegenerative pathways that are linked to depression.

Track 3: Neurorehabilitation

Neurorehabilitation is a time-consuming medical procedure that focuses on providing recovery from brain and spinal cord injury as well as curing any functional changes caused by nervous system impairment. They primarily focus on nutrition, psychology, and working with the attitudes and skills of disadvantaged people and their environment. It also encourages individuals to reestablish their self-esteem and positive attitude in order to adapt to new obstacles and become more fired up for successful and dedicated community reintegration. It is now a combination of traditional medicine and exact science, They are mainly focused on

Track 4: Neuro-Oncology

Neuro-oncology is a word that refers to brain tumours and other types of tumours in the nervous system. Tumours in the central nervous system can progress through the primary and metastatic stages. Chemotherapy and radiation are two frequent therapies. The most essential instruments are sophisticated imaging techniques, predictive molecular testing, and magnetic resonance imaging. The primary CNS Modern neurooncology treats tumours, brain and spinal mitases.

Track 5: Neurophysiology

Neurophysiology is commonly defined as the study of sensory system function. It is a blend of physiology and neuroscience that focuses on the physiology and function of the nervous system through the use of biological techniques. They also play a key role in monitoring persons who suffer brain illnesses such as strokes and dementia. Clinical physiology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of neurological illnesses in two areas: the brain and the peripheral nervous system. Neurophysiology is connected to electrophysiology, neuroanatomy, mathematical neuroscience, and clinical neurophysiology and clinical neuroscience.

  • Peripheral neural systems
  • Neurological system
  • Neurons

Track 6: Neurochemistry

Neurochemistry is the study of substances such as neuropeptides, medicines, and compounds such as neurotransmitters. Neurochemicals such as oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitter-regulating compounds are included. The miracle of science that causes electric signals that multiply along nerve cells and the science at the neural connection through synapses are the primary fields of study and focus on the effect of neurotransmitters, chemical processes that occur in the nervous system. Recently, studies have been conducted to determine how post-traumatic stress disorder affects the brain.

  • Neurochemistry
  • Synapse
  • Neurotransmitters

Track 7: Neuropsychiatry and Mental Health

Neuropsychiatry is a combination of psychiatry and neurology that focuses on the relationship between human behaviour and brain function. It includes neurology, psychiatric symptoms of neurological illnesses, behavioural neurology, and neurophyscology. Intraoperative monitoring, electrodiagnostic testing, electroencephalography, and evoked potentials are all performed by clinical neurophysiologists.

  • Neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Psychosis
  • Degenerative Diseases

Track 8: Developmental Neurology & Gliogenesis

The developed sensory system emerges during embryonic and post-embryonic development as a result of a series of formative projects that include the formation of nerve cells and their supporting (glia) cells, the relocation of those cells to defined areas within the developing sensory tissue, the establishment of associations of those cells to specific target locales, and specific neuron cell passing.

Gliogenesis occurs primarily in the adult mammalian brain, where glial cells such as astrocytes, schwann cells, oligodendrocytes, and microglia are produced. In this capacity, glial cells serve both the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) (PNS). Following differentiation of glial cell populations, function-specialized glial lineages are formed.

Track 9: Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive neuroscience is a discipline of neuroscience that studies brain mechanisms and neural expressions. Conginitive neuroscientists will occasionally use brain imaging modalities such as PET and SPECT. New brain mapping technology, notably magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or functional MRI (fMRT), has enabled researchers to examine cognitive physiology tactics by examining brain function and how the brain enables our minds. Non-invasive functional neuro-imaging advances and accompanying data analysis technologies are focusing on the neural roots of human behaviour.

Track 10: Neurogenetic and Neurometabolic Disorders

Neurometabolic illnesses are those that affect how our brain or any other organ in our bodies functions. Neurogenetic diseases are a group of chronic diseases that describe brain abnormalities caused by alterations in a child's DNA. This can lead to uncontrollable seizures or strange motions. Some diagnostic and therapy methods include brain imaging and cerebrospinal fluid tests. Modern DNA technologies, such as next-generation sequencing, can be used to diagnose certain illnesses.

  • Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Migraines

Track 11: Neuropharmacology

Neuropharmacology is the study of neurons and their neurochemical interactions, as well as the study of large sections of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. The majority of the inquiry of how drugs influence human behaviour (neuropsychopharmacology), includes the investigation into how sedative reliance and dependence influence the human mind. Subatomic neuropharmacology is the study of neurons and their neurochemical correspondences with the goal of developing medications that have an influence on neurological capacity.

Track 12: Neurosurgery

Neurosurgery is a surgical specialty that deals with the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves in our bodies. New technology, including as neuromodulation devices, image guidance devices, and operating microscopes, have been implemented as key breakthroughs in operative neurosurgery methods. Radiation therapy is useful in the treatment of both benign and malignant disorders. Invasive approaches are being developed to reduce brain and body stress during surgery. Pediatric neurology is a subspecialty of neurosurgery for people under the age of eighteen.

Track 13: Pediatric Neurology

Pediatric neurology is concerned mostly with neurological problems in children. Neurogenetic infection is an umbrella name for a variety of diseases that depict mind variations from the standard that occur as a result of modifications in the qualities of the child, causing particular cerebrum cells to form and function abnormally. Because of neurometabolic irregularities, these clogs originate from issues in the chemicals of the body's cells, which are either unable to use nourishments to offer the vitality the cell requires, or dispose of the breakdown results of the sustenance's used.

Track 14: Neuropathology

Neuropathology, which specialises in illnesses of the nervous system and its coverings, plays a significant role in describing the aetiology of neurogenerative diseases. The majority of their work is on living people, however neuropathologists investigate portions of brain tissues obtained during surgery (biopsies) and brains removed at autopsy for diagnosis. Microscopically, the tissues are investigated for symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Until now, the most advanced neuropathology test has been epidermal nerve fibre density assessment.

Track 15: Neuroplasticity

The ability of the brain to reorganise itself through creating neuronal connections throughout life, as mediated by the neuromodular system, is referred to as neuroplasitcity. It allows neuron healing and can form new connections as well as destroy existing ones. It refers to the ability of the brain to be sculpted or moulded by experience, or simply the malleability of neural networks. Neuroplasticity, which can be functional or structural, is the core issue that underpins the scientific fundamental therapy of acquired brain damage. Neuroplasticity and neurogenesis collaborate to reorganise brain circuitry.

Track 16: Neuroinformatics

Neuroinformatics is currently the most advanced scientific field in Neurology for identifying, analysing, digesting, and stimulating neurological data. This discipline is essentially a hybrid of informatics and brain research. Neuroscience is diverse, with various and distinct sub-disciplines such as neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. It can be characterised as the integration of information from all levels and scales of neuroscience, as well as the fitting together of data from very diverse timescales.

Track 17: Neurology Education

The purpose of this section is to produce the greatest number of care and health for people we are privileged to serve in the community. Organizations such as the WFN Education Committee have facilitated programme accreditation, co-sponsorship, and engagement in the neurology field.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 20-21, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

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